Frustrated About Your Fitness: Looking for an INCREDIBLE At-Home Opportunity?

So many beaches are closed and even surfing has been banned in certain areas around the world. Social distancing allows for a hike or a paddle in some open water areas – but for most of us, “in the house” is the new normal.

The unknown of the COVID-19 virus plays havoc with our mood, emotional state and ability to remain motivated to move and train the way we’d like to.  Gyms, fitness centers and even our yoga studios have closed down – further stressing out even the most disciplined and fit/healthy among us.

Whether or not you love water sports (or other sports and fitness endeavors) THIS is the perfect time to connect with a positive, motivated, inspiring and expert mentor/trainer. SKYPE training may be utterly foreign to you – but it is an incredible way to gain a solid base for your upcoming (and quarantine-free) summer fun. Suzie-Cooney-Simple-Things-headshotjpg

My recommendation is easy! You can connect with an online trainer with heart, soul, expertise, one top-notch positive approach to wellness and a super sense of FUN! Right now, click this link and meet Suzie Cooney of Suzie Trains Maui.

Here’s YOUR invitation from Suzie, “In one click you can be with me in my studio on Maui! Technology has allowed me to successfully transport clients from around the world and deliver incredible, results driven, fun workouts no matter what their goals and needs are. People love to have me in their private home gym via SKYPE technology, which is super easy to set up and free. As long as you have a strong, high-speed connection we’re connected.

Suzie-Cooney-300x169When you have a professional like me in your corner holding you accountable to show up and perform, I will drive you, push you and keep you highly motivated. I’m looking out for you and watching your every move. I can cue you technically just as if you were standing right in front of me. I can even give you a cyber high five for a job well done!

Don’t let the ocean stand between your success and the opportunity to train with me. Let’s get this job done. What are you waiting for? Make the investment in yourself and see what others are saying: Testimonials Here

If you have any questions – send Suzie a note.

2 thoughts on “Frustrated About Your Fitness: Looking for an INCREDIBLE At-Home Opportunity?

  1. Love it Suzie👍 I’m doing circuit training outside in my neighborhood using social distancing, cardio, strength and core. People are leaving my back yard with smiles and happy faces😍

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